About the book

(A quick summary)

In Vedas, we have a complete scientific theory about creation that supersedes theories of creation. Creation is the transformation of energy into matter. It is a continuous process accepted by both Vedas and modern science.

To study vedic science, the minimum knowledge a person requires is to understand the principles of quantum physics, string theory, standard model of particles and ten dimensions of the universe.

Quantum Theory :

It describes the nature of the smallest scales of energy. According to this theory energy is quantized. In Quantum realm waves exist. In our world particles exist. Addition of waves of one wave length and precise momentum gives a sine wave.

By double slit experiment it was assumed that electron behaves as a wave and collapsed to a particle. There are two popular theories describing the modern science of creation of matter namely string theory and standard model of particles.

String Theory:

To unify the general theory of relativity with quantum theory, the point particle in quantum theory is considered as a string in string theory. String Theory proposes that energy is transformed into strings. So, the origin of creation is a string but not a particle.

String Model:

Standard Model of Particles:

This theory postulated that matter is formed from particles. According to this theory the basic form of all particles, that is the origin of creation is Higg’s Boson. It is also referred to as God Particle.

Particle Theory and String Theory Contradict each other:

The scientists supporting particle theory are of the opinion that God particle is the origin of creation. The scientists supporting string theory are arguing that string is the origin of creation. These two theories appear as contradicting each other. Quantum theory assumes that origin of the Universe was Quantum fluctuation.

Vedic Theory:

According to vedic theory, creation means the transformation of energy into matter. The transformation of energy into matter (creation) or matter into energy (dissolution) takes place in six major steps.

Vedic Theory is a unified theory:

Vedic theory postulates an intermediate stage Avyakta (point particle) that explains the transformation of waves into strings. Similarly an intermediate stage namely Ajathat explains the conversion of strings into particles. Vedic theory is a complete and unified theory.

Vedic Theory is a unified theoryTechnology (Mani–s.ha) :

The concepts of atomic theory helped the scientists to develop nano-technology. In future, “Mani–s.ha” (nano-technology) mentioned in Rigveda 10.129.4, a technology using mental forces (thought experiments) will be developed. This mano-technology undoubtedly will be more advanced than nano-technology.

Medicine :

Vedic science is the basis for Indian practice of medicine containing 5 stages of treatment namely Annamaya, Pra–namaya, Manomaya, Vigna–namaya and A–nandamaya kosa–s. It deals with root cause of ailment and gives permanent cure.